
Pedal Group believe in the importance of giving back to communities, contributing to causes and enriching the lives of individuals.

Our Earning To Give program puts these decisions into the hands of our employees, enabling all employees to choose where the company donates money.

The amount of money each staff member can donate is equivalent to 1% of their yearly earnings, calculated at the end of each financial year (30 June).

The 1% is paid by Pedal Group, in addition to an employee’s yearly earnings.

Employees can choose to feature their charity to all employees, and rally support to get donations directed to their cause.

Donations Per Year

2016 Donations $87,801
2017 Donations $121,691
2018 Donations $195,944
2019 Donations $223,013
2020 Donations $314,102
2021 Donations $451,740
2022 Donations $534,039
2023 Donations $465,535
2024 Donations $473,794
Total Donations $2,867,659

of each employee's wage is donated
to their chosen charity.

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This initiative is available annually to all permanent staff of Pedal Group employed on the final day of each financial year.